Explosion Proof
Pressure Switch
Class 1, Div. 1, Groups C
& D
Class II, Div 1. Groups F
& G

Explosion Proof & Flame Proof Pressure
24 VDC
Class 1, Div. 1, Groups B,
Class II, Div. I, Groups F
Manufacturer of Y & Z Purge and Pressurization Systems
The AB-CO Purge and Pressurization Systems are the most economical and best solution to placing nonclassified and Division 2 equipment in hazardous locations and extending the life of your equipment mounted in the enclosure.
The AB-CO Purge and Pressurization Systems supply suitable enclosures with the proper amount of inert gas or clean instrument air which removes flammable gases and prevents the accumulation of ignitable dusts within the protective enclosure.
The AB-CO Purge and Pressurization Systems regulate and monitor the continuous flow of inert gas or clean instrument air into your enclosure which can eliminate problems like heat, moisture, dust and corrosion within your enclosure.
Benefits of AB-CO PURGE systems
- Reduces classification within the enclosure
- Continuous system status indication
- Increases equipment life span
- Enhances access and use of your equipment
- Reduces heat buildup
- Prevents moisture and corrosion
- Eliminates dust containment
- Allows use of any enclosure shape
- Inexpensive and cost of protection per cubic foot decreases with enclosure size
- Notification of purge pressure loss with optional explosion proof/flameproof pressure switch
- Instructions are acid etched and printed with UV inhibited ink on the control panel
- FM and ATEX version available
- 2 Year Warranty
- Made in the USA